Saturday, November 3, 2007

October Day at Disneyland

We just returned from a 7 day trip to San Diego. We were excited to go and had bought our airplane tickets months ago with our frequent flyer miles. To our dismay, a few days before our arrival, practically the entire county of San Diego caught on fire! When we arrived, almost every attraction in the area was closed. We were lucky the airport was still functioning and that our hotel had still held our reservation despite the 500,000 people that were evacuated from their homes in the area. I-5 was closed in both directions from our hotel for hours at a time a few times.

Our second day there, we decided to make a break for it to Disneyland, hoping that it would be far enough north to get Kimmy and her asthma away from the smoke. Even in Disneyland it was still raining a little ash. Kimmy had to wear her face mask for much of the day but was a good sport. That night, apparently tired of the looks and comments she'd noticed all day, she stood up for herself. We were waiting for the parade to begin when she overheard a little girl a few feet away point Kimmy out to her Grandpa and report, "She's sick." Kimmy was offended and demanded to me, "I'm NOT sick! That little girl just said I'm sick, and I'm not! I'm going to go tell her!" At that she marched over to the little girl and with hands on her hips declared, "Hey girl! I'm NOT sick! I have asthma!"

Despite the fires, we had fun on our trip. Here is the scapbook page I made of our day in Disneyland. Kim's favorite ride was the tea cups. Mason's favorite part was getting to pick out a toy to buy on the way out. (To our chagrine, that was almost ALL he wanted to do!) Several times during the day he asked to go home because we had told him he could pick something out from a gift shop on the way out. He picked a dinosaur...I didn't even know Disneyland had anything to do with dinos. Leave it to my dino obsessed 5 year old to find one!


Heidi said...

Linda--This is a very cute scrapbook page. I am still trying to figure out my Photoshop.... one day I will have cute collages to share also.
Love you lots!

Megan H. said...

Kimmy is so dang cute, I can totally see her saying that! Adorable!